This is just one of those mornings...I open my eyes, not really awake, not really asleep. It's raining outside and the dim light in the room doesn't help. After reading a couple of articles form the past issue of Elle (way better than the current), I decide it's time to get up. I drag my feet in front of the computer...Now I'm here, but what to do?Hmmm....The brain is not properly functioning..arghh!!
Ah! Let's see what photo jewels
Sart has produced! :D I'm more interested in the
street fashion in Milan, than the shows. ;))
Yes, I'm beginning to wake up now. Photography works, not coffee!
The best way to wake up, in my opinion :D
;)) yes it is!:X
haha I know what you mean about great photos being the ultimate 'alarm clock' to help you get a fresh start to the day. But then it's so hard to concentrate on anything else because I'll feel like looking through more and more photos!
I love her flaming red hair. And those pink pants are so incredible.
That is a great piece of writing and i love that picture. I want those trousers!
I wake up by turning on my radio, CD player or ipod REALLY loud. It is great having a remote so you can even do it lying down!
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