Sunday, December 28, 2008

And I'm off skiing :D :X


Anonymous said...

have fuuun si muulta zapada! ach da si multe pozee;)) :*:*

Anonymous said...

Mad with envy:)

Anonymous said...

in tinuta asta? gee or sa sara toti pe tine, zau

GabrielTBalanescu said...

It seems that the entire blog is dedicated to "other people's work"...why is that? Where do you start and end, how do you define yourself outside the "object" realm??? Why do it? do we not have enough of "them"?

Andra said...

@gabtudor-i'm not documenting my life :) "things I love, admire and enjoy.." that's all....
@oanna- danke dear, we already have lots of pics :D
@RR- nu e tinuta din poza :P a mea e mult mai tare :D :)) pun poze cand ma intorc :D

Anonymous said...

uuu asteptam pozeeee

Anonymous said...

hehe..have fun :D

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