Adelle from
Her unsettled thoughts tagged me!:D
I have to make a top of 6 things that make me happy ;))
Here are the rules of tag:
1) link back to the person who tagged you.
2) post these rules on your blog.
3) share 6 things that put a smile on your face.
4) pass the tag along to 6 other fabulous blogs.
5) let the tagged people know by leaving a comment on their blogs
1. skiing, travelling,****** with the boyfriend, :X (anything related to him) :))
do not try do guess the dots :)) they are random :P
2. laughing and dancing with my friends
3. playing with animals
4. knowing I helped someone
5. DIY stuff
6. shoes, dresses, make-up, you get the idea :))
PS: hope you didn't expect something more profound :D
I tagg:
Cinnamon & Coffee 1oth Muse Carola's Musings Something like Anna Only spooks-Dana Realitatea nu are pixeli- Honeybunny